
The first Post

If you were to ever meet me, the first thing you would probably think is "this kid hates me," because I would probably answer you in in nods and awkward laughs. It's not you, it's me. I'm so extremely shy and I don't know why. When most people hear the word shy they usually think of a feeling of uneasiness of nervousness. That is not even the tip of the shyness iceberg. By definition shyness is a fear, so think about the thing you are most afraid of. How would it like it if you got that feeling whenever you thought about opening your mouth to anyone outside your primary social group. You would have the pleasure of feeling the frustration I feel everyday. Now when I say fear, I mean the inability to cope with the problem. Let's say you're very afraid of heights, and someone tells you to climb a telephone pole. You can climb it but when you try you just can't. You try to get you first foot off the ground but it won't go. Even if you wanted to climb it you are mentally unable in a way. It's funny, I'm writing this even though I know no one will read it. In the back of my mind I have this idea people will actually care that I'm a loser who can string 7 meaningful words together with someone I haven't know since 4Th grade. It's really pathetic, and if you're still reading this you're wasting your time. Go do something productive, leave me to drown in my self pity